"One hour for one bright future" Earth Hour 2015
The first time Earth Hour is held in Sydney, Australia in 2007, World Wide Fund For Nature called for the green action on 28thMarch this year again. Program Contractors showed its great support to the Earth Hour 2015 by holding a “Consuming less, consuming wisely” workshop to its staff. In the workshop, we have shared tips of green life and taught DIY organic soap.
Classic Ride Festival - Cityplus brings more bicycle parking racks to Hong Kong
Cityplus proudly presented Car Bike Port, which is designed by Cyclehoop, to Hong Kong cyclists in Classic Ride Festival 2015 on 15th March. The car shape bike parking rack spreads a message of “1 car space = 10 bicycles” to the public and encourages people to have healthy living, low-carbon emission by riding more bicycles instead of driving cars.